Nursing Quiz

Nursing Quiz -Exam Preparation My New App on Google Play Awesome Quiz app for nurses and medical professionals: Link Nursing is Noble Profession inside health care system. Its required dedication, passion and enthusiasm from inside. I you want to a nurse you must have certain level of knowledge and skill. This app will test your knowledge and improve as well with lot of fun. In order to become a registered nurse, one must complete a program recognized by the Nursing and Midwifery Council. Currently, this involves completing a degree, available from a range of universities offering these courses, in the chosen branch specialty (see below), leading to both an academic award and professional registration as a 1st level registered nurse. Such a course is a 50/50 split of learning in university (i.e. through lectures, assignments and examinations) and in practice (i.e. supervised patient care within a hospital or community setting). These courses are three (occa...